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Sunflower Development Secures $11mm in New Market bet365 best casino gamesTax Credits for Price Chopper


Sunflower Development Group

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After an exhaustive search, David Ball and his team began discussing the site as a possible alternative to its imminent closure of a 40 year old Price Chopper store a few miles away. The store had become outdated and inefficient and was slighted to close within months before the new site was discussed. bet365 best casino gamesIn addition, as a great community partner, the development team executed a community benefits agreements with Hickman Mills which provided $125,00 in payments to a scholarship fund and other programs, but also committed to mentoring students in the district and preferential hiring of Hickman Mills students and families. Chris Vukas, Director of Economic Development said, “Bet365 sportsbook reviewThis is a win-win-win for the community and the City. Not only is this going to eliminate another food deserts (SDG’s third in two years), but it will create construction jobs, permanent jobs, maintain existing jobs and create revenue for the City that otherwise wouldn’t be there”. For more information check

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